Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Microwave Meatloaf

My grandmother made her meatloaf in the microwave for as long as I can remember. Now I make it about once a week. It’s super easy, quick and delicious. I actually like it better than the oven version (so does my kids). I have revised her original version into an even quicker version. I will post her original version later. When using ground beef for recipes that don’t allow for the drainage of the fat, I recommend using the lowest percentage of fat, even though it’s expensive right now.


1lb Ground Beef
1 Egg
1 Can of Meatloaf Seasoned Tomato Sauce
1/4-1/2 Cup Bread Crumbs, Plain or Italian Style OR 4 Slices of Toasted Bread, Crumbled
2 Dashes of Worcestershire Sauce (anymore and it’ll be too salty)


Beat together the egg, pepper, and 3/4ths of the can of tomato sauce, and Worcestershire Sauce. Using a fork, blend in the ground beef. When it’s completely incorporated, add the bread crumbs. Blend well.

Put in a glass load dish. Put remaining tomato sauce on top and add ketchup if you’d like.

Cover with plastic wrap and put holes to allow steam to get out.

Cook on high in microwave for 16-19 minutes depending on your microwave.

 As you can see in the above crooked picture (don't know why it won't go the other way!), I cooked it a little too long.
Another Get In My Belly!!!

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