Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chicken Pot Pie

When my grandmother died a couple of years ago, someone made this recipe for my grandfather and I. It was delicious and I learned how to make it and added my own spin on it. I took care of my grandfather for almost 2 years and made this for him every week. It pretty much has all your nutritional needs except for fruits. And, I would have put that in if I could have! The only thing that really takes time is cooking the meat. But, other than that, it's pretty easy and nutritious.

3-4 Chicken Breast
2 Cans of Bisquits or Crescent Rolls
1 Family Sized Bag of Frozen Veggies
1 Large Can of Cream of Chicken .. or
1 Regular Can of Cream of Chicken and 1 Regular Can of Cream of Mushroom
1 Can of Sliced or Cut-up Potatoes
1/4 Grated Onion
4 Tbsp Butter(or whatever you like..I'm a Paula Deen kind of cook)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a large pot, put in the frozen veggies, potatoes and whatever other veggies you'd like and almost cover with cold water. Grate some onion and add butter, salt, pepper and whatever other seasonings you'd like. I like the flavor onions give, not the texture. Boil and then simmer for at least 15 minutes. Meanwhile, boil and cool chicken into pieces or shredded (whatever kind of texture your tongue likes).
After your veggies have cooked, add your cream of chicken/mushroom. Stir well and add cooked chicken.

Pour in a 9x12 pan.

You can either put bisquits or the crescent rolls on top.Cook for about 20 minutes or until the bread is golden.


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