Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Sippy Cup Wars

So...Thing 2 is 15 months old and just got off the Sippy as of 2 days ago. The thing is with Thing 2 is that he's an incredibly strong-willed child. More so than my other two were at this age. He's also stubborn and it's his way-or-the-highway kind of child. Of course, there are pro's and cons to this kind of personality. And, he's a lot like me. (Poor kid).
Anyhoo, we've been giving him a sippy cup since he was about 10 months. I figured if I introduced it to him at this time, then by the time he'd reach a year old, it would be smooth sailing. Yeah, right!!!
When my other two turned one year old, I promptly threw out the bottles and stuck a sippy cup in their hand, and they took it. Never occured to me to transition...including swapping formula to milk, cold turkey. I was 10 years younger and new to this whole mom thing. Even though, looking back, I should have used my brain on that one.
Back to the story at hand...
By the time Thing 2 turned a year old, we had bought every kind of sippy cup made on this earth, all to no avail. He would just throw them in a fit, bang his head on the floor and wail, BA-BA!!!!!!! We would, of course, give in. I will admit the reasons: 
  1. I didn't want him to cry.
  2. I didn't want him upset.
  3. I didn't like seeing him upset.
  4. Maybe this should be #1...I didn't want to deal with the agony of it all.
There...I admitted it!!! Ahhh, that feels better to let it all come on out! 

Sooo.....Monday, we finally got our new carpet and it's so stinking plush, it's ridiculous. I have expensive taste and I firmly believe it was well worth it!! That's when we decided (well, I decided) that as of Tuesday, we (I) would just have to go cold turkey on this whole sippy cup ordeal. And, boy did I dread it!!!! When he woke up, I gave him one of the sippy cups that he would at least put in his mouth, and walked out. My husband and the other two kids watched anxiously with me on the baby monitor. Lo and behold, the little sucker drank out of that sippy cup! However, the rest of the day was NOT good. He screamed and cried and wailed for his Ba-ba. I can't believe I held firm and didn't give him his Ba-ba.
The next day, I tried it again and he didn't take the sippy cup and my heart just sank. Ugh...but he took it at nap time, and has taken one since then. YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! He will still only take that ONE sippy cup, so tomorrow I shall go to Wally-World or Target and get whatever they have left of this sippy cup! I still can't believe it's been this easy but I'll take it!!

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