Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Pictures Idea

I really love Pinterest...I mean, addictively so. And, really, who doesn't. This brings me to Christmas pictures. As y'all know, I have 3 kids and every year I always do pictures and I don't want your run-of-the-mill pictures. Even if I mail them way after Christmas...
Pinterest has tons of ideas, as does Google and Bing. Just get your imagination going, and if you don't have an imagination...use everyone else's!
The one I'm loving most right now is babies and Christmas lights. I used my Samsung Galaxy 3 and used a filter app. So, I gave little dude a warm bath and had the house warm so he wouldn't get a chill. I laid belly-down on the floor and had everyone turn off all the lights then immediately turn on a simple 100-light strand and just waited to see what he would do. Thank goodness he cooperated...Here's what I got:

Then my amazing husband brought home a super expensive and super amazing professional camera...OMG..I took 700 pictures in 4 arm is hurting today, but so worth it. The quality of this camera is simply amazing. Here are some I took just sitting on the floor and letting my other 2 kiddos do their own thing, which it turned out better than I could have done:

Oh, they are so beautiful..I am so blessed! Good luck with all your pictures and have a wonderful Christmas!

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